Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Feature Blog on TheHauntedHollowTree

1)How did you first hear about Etsy?:
I first heard about Etsy a couple of years ago. Not sure where I heard it from though, maybe from someone on Ebay... I was selling there at the time.

2)Tell us about a little about yourself and your favorite craft/art!:
There isn't too much to say about me. I live out in the country with my husband, my son, and another baby on the way. It's a simple life we have going here. I spend a lot of time just hanging with my family and woodburning.

3)How did you get started as a designer?:
Like most artists, I started drawing before I can remember. I was very much into painting for awhile there, and in late 2004 I sold my first piece of art on Ebay. I stuck with oil painting for a few years until I discovered Pyrography (woodburning) and haven't gone back since.

4)What inspires you to create?:
I am inspired most by the human form. I love the silent expression of the human figure. Back in 2005 I did a series of 20 drawings called The Truth about Humans. I have been thinking of starting a follow up series with the same title, just part 2. I am a people watcher. I don't have many friends and am not a really social person, but I just love to try to figure other people out.

5)How do you get the word out about your shop and Etsy?:
I am not the best with self promotion. I got really lucky on Ebay and sold rather effortlessly there. On Etsy, I just kind of take what I can get. Life with a toddler and pretty soon, a toddler and an infant, just doesn't allow for a bunch of extra venues. I work in a really slow medium, the process of woodburning is rather tedious. I try to juggle the actual act of burning and the rest of my daily life the best I can, but I still feel like I need more hours in the day. My next big step is to submit some of my work to galleries and see what happens. I have not been to art school, or even taken any art courses for that matter, so I don't have resume. I guess that has been what has kept me from pursuing the galleries and shops further. I have recently found some local galleries that I think my work would fit nicely into, so I am going to take the plunge at some point soon and see what happens.

6)Any advice you would give to aspiring designers?:
I wouldn't know what to say to designers. To artists, especially self taught artists, I would really suggest sticking it out if its something that you really love. You will likely hit rough patches and likely learn most things the hard way, but I think that is what will really make your art unique. Take the time to study the different mediums and try your hand at all of the ones that you find fascinating. I have boxes and boxes of art supplies, I went through each medium until I found the one that was right for me. I think I gained a little something along the way with trying each medium too. It has been a fun road.

Make sure you check out her etsy shop:http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5924751


CSD Faux Finishing said...

Wow her work is insanely good! Great feature, I wish her much success in approaching galleries :)

Boquita66 said...

Way to go! Excellent work and beautiful blog :-)

MillieDog Designs said...

what beautiful art!

Kari said...

Great interview. Those are some really stunning pieces!

My Inspired Reality said...

What an amazing talent - thank you for introducing her to me:)

Unknown said...

great interview, her work is amazing!

Aroma Fields said...

Her work is amazing and I love the color! Great interview, Devin.

MaryMarsh said...

Beautiful work! Great feature! Thanks for sharing!

The Ebon Swan said...

Ok, I'm officially a fan of her artwork...I love her understated colors and incredible detail. Wow.

tscrapper said...

That's amazing! Thanks for introducing me to a new shop!


Ann said...

Fabulous shop! It's amazing how many talented artists are on Etsy.

antigoni said...

Devin Thank you for that post!
She is a great artist!
Really, really love the 3rd drawing!

::::Lula Boutique:::: said...

Wow...Her work is absolutely stunning!! Pure talent. ;)

Kim S. said...

Hi Devin, beautiful blog! Her work is beautiful. Take good care and craft on my friend, craft on!

s. said...

thank you for featuring this artist's work
feel inspired

Fatally Cute said...

The tree is so cool...and haunting.

Heidi said...

great feature, i hadn't seen her work before, love the trees!